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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Fundamental movement on Monday......remember your helmet and hurley!
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News Nuacht

2020/2021 School Year

31st May 2021
Today, Suaimhneas 1 were learning about electrical circuits and how we use circuits...
25th May 2021
Today Junior and Senior Infants used magnets of different shapes and sizes in purposeful...
24th May 2021
Today was our final PE lesson with our coach Anne McMahon. Junior and Senior Infants...
22nd May 2021
We had a great opportunity on Wednesday to learn some cooking skills and some recipes...
21st May 2021
Second Class have started working on narrative writing for May and June. We are...
21st May 2021
Our science topic this week was "where light comes from". We learned about how important...
20th May 2021
In 5th and 6th class, we have been learning about  sustainability and the 17...
20th May 2021
Learning through play in our Aistear groups. 
20th May 2021
While it was raining this morning and we couldn't go outside to play we were happy...
19th May 2021
Ms. Callinan has been working with 3rd and 4th class for the last three weeks. She...