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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare

News Nuacht

2023/2024 School Year

19th Jun 2024
Have a look at 5th and 6th Classes' Pinch Pot Monster creations made from clay. The...
18th Jun 2024
A busy day of activity. Cardio drumming, golf, basketball, water safety, water ecology,...
18th Jun 2024
On our STEAM trail Junior Infants identified the various wild flowers in our school...
18th Jun 2024
Have a listen to our newly composed rap called 'Hey Inagh'.
17th Jun 2024
We travelled to Dublin on Friday, 14th June by bus to visit Kilmainham Gaol &...
17th Jun 2024
We took a good look at all the native wildflowers in our school garden. We did a...
17th Jun 2024
1st to 3rd had a wonderful trip to Craggaunown. We had lots of fun. We made bracelets...
17th Jun 2024
Here you will find your Active Homework to be completed at home during Active School...
14th Jun 2024
We were so delighted to hear we were the class that collected the most copper coins...