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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Music Generation Fiddle workshops beginning again on Tuesday 14th January for all 4th Class pupils.
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CBS Secondary School

19th Oct 2020

This year, the boys in 5th and 6th class were delighted to be part of a virtual talk with the principal of the CBS secondary school in Ennistymon. The boys had a opportunity to explore the different subject options available to them in the CBS as well as learn about the different experiences available to them there. We were delighted to see some familiar faces explaining some of the extra curricucular activities available to the boys. We would like to thanks Mrs Lyons for the opportunity to join in. 

Key dates to note;

Virtual open night 10th November

Return of Application for Enrolment Forms 22nd November


More information available on;