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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Fundamental movement on Monday......remember your helmet and hurley!
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Class Elf, Aistear and School Walkabout

5th Dec 2023

Junior Infants are having a very busy week and it is only Tuesday. On Monday our class Elf arrived with treats for everyone. Our Aistear theme is Santa's workshop this month. This week we are wrapping presents in the role play area. In the playdoh space we are creating Christmas decorations, in our creative area we are creating snowmen and in our Maths station we are developing our critical thinking skills by playing card games and Snakes and Ladders. Today we went on a school walkabout. We went to visit Ms. McGeary's office where she told us all about the role of a Principal in a school and we found out about the various items in her office including an old school bell. We also went to see our school secretary Rita's office. We even got to speak on the school intercom and see the fabulous Christmas hampers that we all want to win! Thank you Ms. McGeary and Rita.