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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Fundamental movement on Monday......remember your helmet and hurley!
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Humpty Dumpty Fun and STEAM lesson

28th Sep 2021

We really like the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty in our classroom. We know this rhyme and have had an amazing discussion about why Humpty Dumpty was on the wall in the first place. We created a Humpty Dumpty of our own in art working on our scissors and painting skills. This was followed by a really fun STEAM lesson. We had to try balancing Humpty Dumpty to see if an actual egg could really balance on a wall. We used boiled eggs, lego, stick a brick and blocks. We worked in groups and had super fun while developing our problem solving and critical thinking skills. We found out that Humpty Dumpty balanced better on the big lego but we also managed to balance Humpty Dumpty on the stick a brick and the blocks.