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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Heritage in schools project work on Wednesday. | Celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge.......Lá Glas on Friday....Céilí mor sa halla ...Feile na hInse Agallamh beirte . | .....Seanfhocal.......Giorraíonn beirt bóthar....two shorten the road.
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Relaxation menu

21st Oct 2024
Dear parents,

We are exploring our relaxation menu in our Fun Friends class. 
Here is the relaxation menu for you to explore with your child- especially over the mid-term break,
Then try them when your child needs to relax- just for a minute and increase to 2-3 mins. Explore lots of different ways your child enjoys relaxing and practice it. 
