Access Keys:

St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Beannachtaí na féile Pádraig oraibh....... | Celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge.......Lá Glas on Friday....Céilí mor sa halla ...Feile na hInse Agallamh beirte . | .....Seanfhocal.......Giorraíonn beirt bóthar....two shorten the road.
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School tour to Inis Oirr

13th Jun 2023

On Friday, 9th June, teachers and SNA's accompanied 3rd,4th,5th and 6th class children to Inis Oirr. We travelled by bus to Doolin from school on Friday morning and then took the ferry to Inis Oirr. Everyone immersed themselves in speaking the Irish language, cycled to the Plassy shipwreck, played games including the tug of war on the beach, swam and had a picnic  on the local beach, played at the local play ground and played  football rounders as Gaeilge at local pitch. Bhaineamar spraoi agus   taitneamh as an turas scoile Inis Oirr.