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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Fundamental movement on Monday......remember your helmet and hurley!
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Science Blast

5th Apr 2022

Last Friday, the children from 4th and 5th Class presented their Science Blast investigation to our visiting judge Mr. Colm O Callaghan. 

Our question was; Running vs. Skipping Rope, what is the better form of aerobic exercise?

The children researched this question, gathered baseline information and put a training plan in place. Following the results of their investigation, the class concluded that skipping was the better form of aerobic activity.

Colm, the Science Blast judge, commented on how well the children presented their findings and he also informed us that he learnt so much from the students' presentation. The class were presented with a trophy and certificates. They should all be very proud of their work. Maith sibh!