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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
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Science Experiments - What liquids will clean coins best?

10th Dec 2020

Materials: 6 x 20p coins , Coca Cola, vinegar, orange Juice, water, salt, paper cups.

Our Predictions:  Vinegar & Coca Cola will clean the coins the best.

Method: We put 1 x 20p coin in cups with equal amounts of liquid in each cup.

Our Liquids were :

  •  Coca Cola
  • Vinegar
  • Orange Juice
  • Water
  • Salt & water
  • Vinegar & salt

We left our coins in these liquids overnight.

What we found out :

  • The vinegar and salt cleaned the coin very well as did the the Coca Cola. The coin in the vinegar was third best. Next was the orange juice and then the salt and water. The coin in the water didn't really clean it at all.
  • The 20p coin has a horse on it and it is yellow in colour. It is an old coin and is not used anymore. Ms Moroney remembers this coin. 
  • Vinegar and Coca Cola are acids. Vinegar and salt together make a reaction , that is  why it cleaned the coin so well.