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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge.......Lá Glas on Friday....Céilí mor sa halla ...Feile na hInse Agallamh beirte . | .....Seanfhocal.......Giorraíonn beirt bóthar....two shorten the road.
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S.E.A.I workshops.

4th Dec 2024

We took park in S.E.A.I Energy workshops in school on Tuesday.

Áine Ní Fhlatharta brought  Guzzler the puppet  to demonstrate  how energy is made and how we can conserve energy in Senior infants and First class. The senior classes explored ways to make energy and were experimented with different types of energy in our world today and in the future. 

This is all part of our Science and Green school programme in school.Take a look at our photos to see a sample of what we did.