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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Our Literacy Power hour is underway in the Junior side of the school......good luck everyone! | Swimming begins Thursday 16th January for relevant classes.
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Secret Santa in Senior Infants and First Class.

1st Dec 2021

On Thursday 2nd December 2021, Senior Infants and First Class will pick out their Secret Santa recipient.

This is how it works:

  • Each child picks draws a name from a box.
  • Each child will buy a little gift to the value of €5 for the other child that they have picked. No money comes to school.
  • The gift needs to be wrapped and labelled with the recipients name.
  • Please bring the gifts to school on or before Friday, 17th December 2021. 
  • The gifts will be quarantined for the weekend before distribution.
  • We will distribute the gifts in the class on Monday, 20th December. 

Gift suggestions:

Fluffy socks or slippers, art sets, Christmas decorations or a Santa hat, a book or a small game etc. Please don't spend more than €5. Each child will only have to buy a gift for 1 other child.

It has always been a very enjoyable hour on Secret Santa day finding out who bought gifts for each other!

Best wishes, 

Caitríona McMahon