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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Fundamental movement on Monday......remember your helmet and hurley!
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The Garda Station in Senior Infants

28th Mar 2019

Our Aistear theme this month was the garda station. We had a visit from two Gardaí from Ennistymon garda station. They were Garda Niamh and Garda Gary.  They explained all about the role of the Gardaí in the community, stranger danger and the equipment they use to defend themselves such as pepper spray and batons. We got to hold handcuffs. 

The highlight of the visit was when we got to test out the Garda twin cell van!!! We were delighted when we received a call from the Garda Station on the radio walkie talkie to tell us we had no homework.

Thank you Garda Niamh and Garda Gary