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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Fundamental movement on Monday......remember your helmet and hurley!
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Under The Sea

12th Feb 2025

We have been busy learning about Animals this month. Our theme this fortnight was Under the Sea and sea creatures. We read stories and wrote reports. We built aquariums and shell houses. We played roleplay aquarium and gave tours and talks about the sea creatures we learned about. We investigated how to save the sea creatures from the frozen water... Deciding that hot water or pure salt would save them best. We constructed fish and octopus from paper. We played out stories of tiddler and sponge bob in our small world area thanks to Louise. We listened and sang lots of sea themed songs...little mermaid was a huge hit!We made jigsaws and made shell and stone patterns. We fished for tricky words.  We made shadow puppets for our Engineering week project where we will tell the story of the snail and the whale through shadows.  It has been hectic!!!! All set for the zoo next week!!!