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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Music Generation Fiddle workshops beginning again on Tuesday 14th January for all 4th Class pupils.
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Walk to School Challenge

5th Oct 2023

We took part in the Walk to School Challenge which started on October 2nd. All children in the school were asked to walk from the  church carpark  to school and back again when school finished for five days.

Junior Infants and  new pupils to our school took part for the first time. Walking  from the church carpark to  school and back  is roughly 1km in total. 

13 large balloons of CO2 gas is created each time a car travels 1 km.

WOW(Walk on Wednesday Challenge)

We decided to do a school challenge on Wednesday. All children gathered in the church carpark before 9am  and walked up to school. All children were encouraged to walk to the church carpark after school. A tally was taken to record how many km we walked.

In total we walked 88km on Wednesday which is equivalent  to stopping  1,144 balloons full of CO2 gas going into to the  atmosphere.

Well done to everyone for doing so well !