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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Congratulations to Grace for winning our Active school logo competition........."Being active changes your mood, your body and your attitude!" | .....Seanfhocal.......Giorraíonn beirt bóthar....two shorten the road.
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The first primary school in Inagh was located beside the Church and now forms part of the Parish Hall and was built in 1803. This school was replaced in 1930 and operated as a 3 teacher school until 1974.

In that year Gortbofearna N.S. was amalgamated with Inagh N.S. and as a result the school then had 5 teachers.

In 1985 a new school was built on a farm acquired by the Inagh Group.   This farm was developed further to include 2 rural housing schemes and the GAA pitch.   The new school was named St. Flannan’s N.S.

In 2002 a special classroom, Suaimhneas, was built for children with Autism.

In the year 2009, the school was extended to include two new mainstream classrooms, two new ASD specially designed classrooms, occupational therapy room, multi-sensory room, large multi-purpose hall with removable stage and various administration rooms.

All classrooms were fitted with the latest technology including interactive whiteboards and computer suites.