Parent Association
The school has an active Parent Association which promotes the well being of the school.
The activities of the Parents Association provide an organised forum through which parents can make a positive contribution to their children’s education.
The Parent Association plays an important part in the life of the school and supports the school. All parents are encouraged to become involved in the Parent Association and to support the activities and projects that are a feature of our school.
The committee of the Parent Association is elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Association which is held in September. Officers are elected from those elected at the AGM.
The Parent Association holds regular meetings in the school.
The Principal meets with the officers before, after and during meetings.
The Parent Association, in consultation with the Principal, organises various fundraising activities throughout the year.
The Parent Association review school policies and can suggest changes and amendments.
The PA Committee for 2024/25 is as follows:
Chairperson: Ylonah Roelofs
Secretary: Jennifer Morgan
Treasurer: Eanna Byrt
St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare | Phone and Fax: 065 6836778