Literacy Lift Off

This is an early intervention programme for helping literacy and writing levels. It is a daily literacy session where resource teachers in collaboration with class teachers, will work in the classroom from Monday to Thursday mornings for six weeks in five 10 minute rotating sessions on a range of literacy activities.
These activities include;
- Re-reading familiar books to build fluency and confidence;
- Being introduced to and attempting to read a new book;
- Composing and recording their own messages;
- Reconstructing the story which has been cut-up;
- Exploring how words work using magnetic letters and whiteboards.
To support your child in this process we ask that you:
- Listen to your child reading a familiar book (a book already read in class) each night. This book will be in your child’s reading folder. You can support your child by asking questions about the story and characters, ask them to be a word detective and find certain words, help them with tricky words, etc.
- Ask your child to read his/her story (sentence) in their writing book that they have written with his/her group that day.
- Your child may also be asked to put together a cut-up story one night in the week. The ‘cut-up’ is the story (sentence) he/she will have written with his/her group that day and will need to be put together again. Firstly, the child will read the sentence in his/her writing book and then close the book. Line the words up in a column downwards so the child can access the words easily and put the sentence back together. The child will then have to stick that cut up into his/her writing book underneath the same written story. It is better if the child does not look at the written sentence in his/her book when putting the sentence together on the table.
- Please note formal reading of the Reading Zone books and supplementary readers will be suspended.
St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare | Phone and Fax: 065 6836778