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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare
Congratulations to Grace for winning our Active school logo competition........."Being active changes your mood, your body and your attitude!" | .....Seanfhocal.......Giorraíonn beirt bóthar....two shorten the road.
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School Outing

All pupils take part in our annual school tour.   These are a mix of both educational and fun.   Classes are divided into the Senior Tour (3rd - 6th) and the Junior Tour (Infants - 2nd Class). Occasionally, when the numbers are large, the Infants classes go on their own tours.

Recent senior tours have taken in amenities in the local area and further afield around the country. Distant tours are taken on alternate years for example to University of Limerick Outdoor Education Centre, Croke Park and a walking tour of Dublin. Locally, senior pupils have enjoyed days at the Burren Outdoor Education Centre in Belharbour and surfing in Lahinch. 

In the Junior classes, tours usually stay within the county and pupils have visited places such as Moher Hill Farm, The Farmyard in Corofin, Cragganowen and Bunratty Folk Park. 

Pupils have also travelled to beaches in Lahinch and the White Strand to participate in activities for the Blue Flag and water safety education.



8th Jul 2024
We had another fun filled week with lots of activities at our summer programme....
8th Jul 2024
We are having a wonderful time at our summer programme. On Monday and Wednesday...
17th Jun 2024
We travelled to Dublin on Friday, 14th June by bus to visit Kilmainham Gaol &...