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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare

News Nuacht - Junior/Senior Infants - Ms Blackwell

2020/2021 School Year

29th Apr 2021
This week Junior and Senior Infants wanted to find out how water travels through...
27th Apr 2021
Developing our balance and coordination skills while on the move around our school. 
23rd Apr 2021
Today we learned to identify lots of wild flowers. We went outside and picked flowers....
19th Apr 2021
Our theme this month is food. We made food items out of playdoh, created beautiful...
19th Apr 2021
We integrated Science and Art where we learned all about plants in Science and created...
12th Apr 2021
Having fun at PE today. Thank you to our coach Anne McMahon for helping us learn...
26th Mar 2021
Here we are dancing to "Cat Party" and "Lava" music. 
26th Mar 2021
Our Super Easter Egg Hunt adventure. We had so much fun. 
25th Mar 2021
Today Junior and Senior Infants planted spring onions in the polytunnel. We will...
25th Mar 2021
Happy Easter from Junior and Senior Infants.